Aleph, the cosmetics alpha of sustainable practices

A New Zealand-made cosmetics company is taking its sustainability practices to the next level, with the help of the Glass Packaging Forum, by developing a take-back and refill programme.
As a company whose ethos is founded on people, planet and being animal-friendly, Aleph Beauty Operations Manager Alison Brownrigg says taking the next step in packaging sustainability was an easy choice.
The company is taking a circular economy approach to its glass makeup jars by incentivising customers to return empties to then be refilled. “It’s similar to how the old-fashioned glass milk bottle scheme worked,” she says.
Aleph’s desire for greater product stewardship, coupled with customers asking for the take-back scheme, saw the company reach out to the GPF to help.
A commercial-grade dishwasher was required, with the GPF awarding a grant of just over $3,300. GPF Scheme Manager Dominic Salmon says the move by Aleph, along with feedback from customers, shows an ever-increasing desire among consumers to see greater sustainability practices across all packaging types.
“We’re only too happy to help a company which is so dedicated to sustainability. Reuse – when practical and viable – is the absolute best route for any packaging material. We are excited to see how this initiative progresses and possibly inspires others to follow suit,” he says.
Aleph Beauty is no stranger to innovation, having won in multiple categories in the Good Magazine 2020 Best of Natural Awards, as well as overall People’s Choice.
“We are challenging the linear economy and are committed to sustainable packaging,” Alison says.